
Setting Up An Auction

Once your inventory has been graded by one of our approved partners, you can begin an auction at any time.

To add an auction, follow these simple steps:

  • Login to your My Grain Exchange Account.
  • Navigate to the inventory page
  • Click the Add Auction button next to the inventory you would like to auction
  • By default, auctions are listed in Metric Tonnes. If you wish to convert from another unit to Metric Tonnes, enable the price & unit converter
  • Enter the quantity and base price for your auction
  • Select a start date & time for your auction
  • Select a end date & time for your auction. The default end time is one week from today
  • Select the auction type from the dropdown menu. If you select auction, buyers can bid on your inventory. If you select buy now, buyers can purchase your inventory at the base price
  • Confirm that the details you have entered are correct then click the Schedule button at the bottom of the pop-up
  • After scheduling the auction you will be redirected to the pending auctions page. Click Verify to confirm your auction