Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy was last updated April 10, 2023.

My Grain Exchange Inc. ("MGX", "we", "us", "our") is committed to protecting the privacy of the Personal Information of organizations and individuals ("user", "you", "your") that frequent our website and use our services and products. This Privacy Policy outlines our policy and practices on the collection, use, transfer, storage and disclosure of Personal Information through the MGX website (the "Site") and services we provide (collectively with the Site, the "Services"). We’ve tried to keep it simple, but there might be some confusing language. If you’re unsure of the meaning of anything, please ask us.

This Privacy Policy is incorporated by reference into our Terms of Service, which govern your use of the MGX Exchange.

Our Privacy Policy explains:

  • the type of information that we collect, and why we collect it;

  • how that information is used; and

  • the choices that we have regarding how to update that information.


"Personal Information" is defined as information about an identifiable individual.

Information We Collect

MGX collects, and is responsible for, Personal Information that has been voluntarily provided by its users (e.g., through online forms, email requests, participating in auctions, etc.) in a fair and lawful manner. Web users can visit the Site without telling us who they are or revealing any Personal Information about themselves. In order to access certain Services, we will require basic Personal Information, such as an email address, physical address, and billing information, in order to create an account. You agree that any information you provide to us is, to the best of your understanding, true and correct.

We collect Personal Information in connection with the provision of the Services. We also collect certain information directly by your access of our Site. Generally, we can collect Personal Information in the following ways:

  • Information you give us: In order to use certain Services, we require you to sign up for an online account. Through this process we will ask you for Personal Information, which may include your name, email address, telephone number, credit card information, billing information, or other data that can be reasonably linked to you or your other information by us, such as information that we associate with your account. We will also acquire certain Personal Information as a result of the transactions that we participate in, such as the type and nature of the Services purchased or accessed, method of payment preferences, and customer communication preferences. Generally, you give us

    this information, as it is required in order for us to provide the Services to you. Sometimes this information may be provided to a third party because it is necessary for that third party to access the information to provide the Services. In those instances, you are giving us the consent to provide that information to the third party.

  • Information that we get from your use of our services or the Site: We collect information through the use and access to the Site which does not require any further positive action by you. This information includes:

    • Log Information: When you use our Site we automatically collect and store certain information in server logs, which includes: how you used or accessed the Site; the duration of time that you were using or accessed the Site; IP addresses; device event information such as crashes, system activity, and hardware/software version information; and cookies that may uniquely identify your user account or device;

    • Cookies: We may use “cookies” to track and store data. “Cookies” are small text files placed on your computer that can collect and store a variety of information, including visitor preferences and activities on our Sites. Permanent cookies are stored indefinitely on a user’s hard drive unless manually deleted, while temporary cookies are automatically deleted from the user’s browser upon logging out of a Site. Web browsers typically allow users to disable permanent and/or temporary cookies. More information on our cookies can be found on our cookies page.

How We Use Your Personal Information

Personal Information provided to us via email or by completing a web form will be assessed by our employees in order to provide a suitable response. Such information may be collected, retained and used by us in the same manner as other MGX correspondence. For example, provided information may be used to keep stakeholders informed and up-to-date on MGX activities and news.

Information that we collect purely based on your use of our Services or the Site will be used to improve functionality of the Services and the Site and understand users' behaviours when accessing the Site. VeriGrain will not seek to match IP addresses to identifiable individuals, unless we are required by law to do so or we are investigating detected or suspected security breaches or other illegal behaviour, and we need to do so in order to carry out the investigation.

Unless it is permitted or required to do so by law, user-provided Personal Information will not be transferred by MGX to unaffiliated third parties without the approval of the user. If at any time, individuals wish to be removed from MGX correspondence, they can email to be removed from the mailing list.

Access to Personal Information

We will provide you with access to the Personal Information that we hold about you. If you want to access your Personal Information, write to our Privacy Officer. The contact information for this office is located at the end of this Policy. Generally, there is no cost to access your Personal Information. However, in some circumstances we may charge reasonable costs. If that is going to occur, we will notify you first and ask if you still want to proceed.

If some of the information that we have collected about you is inaccurate or otherwise incorrect, show us how it is wrong and we will correct it. To ensure that your Personal Information is accurate, please let us know when changes to your Personal Information arise.

Retention and Destruction of Personal Information

We will keep Personal Information only as long as is it necessary to provide the relevant services and to meet legal or regulatory requirements. When your Personal Information is no longer required we will destroy it in a secure and confidential manner.

Security of Information

Security is very important to us. We take reasonable security precautions to ensure that your Personal Information is not compromised. This includes (but is not limited to):

We also want to point out that the internet itself is not a secure method of communication and we cannot guarantee that the privacy or security of personal information submitted over the internet will not be compromised. No security protection can protect against every circumstance.

What You Can Do

Just as you play a vital role in ensuring the security of your home and your possessions, you too share in the responsibility for ensuring that your Personal Information is adequately protected. While we take measures to protect the security and privacy of your information, there are important steps that you should take to help protect your information when accessing our Services.

To protect your information, you should consider and adopt the following “best practices”:

  • Never leave your devices unattended while using our Services.

  • Secure or erase files stored on your device so others cannot read them. Most programs store information in non-protected (unencrypted) files to improve performance. These files remain there until erased.

  • Disable automatic password-save features in the software you use.

  • Install new security patches as soon as your operating system and internet browser manufacturers make them available.

  • Install an anti-spyware program. Ensure your anti-spyware is enabled and configured to run daily updates and regular spam scans.

Changes to this Policy

Our Privacy Policy may change from time to time. We will not reduce your rights under this policy without your explicit consent. We will also keep prior versions of this policy in an archive that you can review.

Privacy Officer

If you want to talk with us about our Privacy Policy or have questions about this Policy, our Privacy Officer will be happy to speak with you. The contact information is:

Name: Merv Berscheid

Telephone: 306-244-1124


Mail: 2964 Cumberland Avenue S, Saskatoon, SK, S7J 2A6