Frequently asked questions

What if I don’t want to sell to a particular company?

Sellers have the option of excluding businesses from participating in their auctions. Even though it is anonymous, we ensure you only work with partners that are the right fit for you.

Do I have to submit a sample for grading and analysis?

Yes. Knowledge is the easiest way to receive more money for the product in your bin. Third-party analysis provides accurate listing of your product and attracts more buyers who are excited to purchase a verified product.

Who pays for sample analysis?

Sellers are responsible for all sample analysis fees. Standard CGC export analysis is $30-50 per sample; however, if you want to leverage more margin from your product in auction, you are welcome to add additional tests and publish those results within your auction details.

What are MGX fees?

Buyers & Sellers pay a service fee (1% of the total value of the transaction) at the close of a successful auction.

Does MGX handle payment and delivery?

No. MGX’s sole responsibility is to set up the opportunity for a successful trade. We give buyers and sellers the opportunity to come together. Once a contract has been signed it is up to the buyer and seller to fulfill the terms of their contract.

What is a proxy bid?

Proxy bidding is when Buyers have the option to set a maximum price that they would be willing to bid for that auction listing. This allows the platform to bid for them by the bid increment until someone places a higher bid than their maximum.

Where do I send samples?

All samples should be sent to the MGX office.

2964 Cumberland Ave S

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

S7J 2A6

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