Sample Analysis


Sellers collect quality, representative samples of their inventory and add the inventory to their MGX profile then download and complete the analysis request form.

Please note that MGX requires all samples be analyzed according to Canadian Grain Commission export standards. Sellers are also encouraged to request additional analysis of their product to take advantage of unique specs some buyers are looking for (protein, oil, falling number, fusarium, etc.).

Bag of grains

When sending a sample to MGX, you must include the following on the package

  • Your unique MGX Profile ID (e.x. 123-456-789)
  • The MGX inventory ID (e.x. MGX-12345)
  • Your personal inventory ID number (optional)

Our Address:

2964 Cumberland Ave. S.

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

S7J 2A6


(306) 244-1124

We coordinate with SGS to have their world class analysts grade your sample and upload a high-resolution photo directly to your MGX inventory.

You will be notified by email that grading and analysis has been completed and inventory can now be listed for auction.

Why is it necessary to do an independent analysis?

Third-party grading lets you leverage more profit from your bins by verifying grain quality prior to contracting. It helps you list your product at the appropriate market price and sign more successful contracts. Plus it gives buyers the confidence that what you are selling matches what they are looking for.

Our goal is to make the MGX marketplace more transparent.